Projek Dialog

Say NO to the Baram Mega Dam: A Statement by SALT V

INTRODUCTION We, the 20 tertiary Catholic students from the various tertiary institutions of Malaysia, gathered at the Tanjung Tepalit Lepo’ Gah’, Ulu Baram, Sarawak from the 24th January – 7th February 2015 to participate in the “School of Acting Justly, Loving Tenderly and Treading humbly with God (SALT) 2015 organised by the SALT Movement in partnership with Save Sarawak Rivers Network (SAVE Rivers). This is the fifth SALT organized since 2008. Besides focused learning related to the theme, “Youth for Ecological Justice in Baram: Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples as Stewards of Creation”, SALT V is a school with safe and critical space for effective networking, fostering a sense of teamwork, partnership and camaraderie among the participants. It is a process of mutual enrichment through information sharing, training on Native Customary Rights (NCR), the Federal Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) through interactive learning especially by experiencing the reality of the Orang Ulu communities in Long Liam, Long Apu and Long Anap situated in the area to be affected in the future by the proposed construction of the Baram Dam in Ulu Baram, Sarawak. Below are the aims and objectives of the program which inspired us to participate actively. AIMS OF SALT V

  1. Develop critical understandings and strategies to uphold the fundamental human rights through effective advocacy at international, regional and grassroots levels guided by principles of the the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) regarding the standards and violations.
  2. Create a platform for students and local community in Baram to come together to analyze   the   conditions   of   the   Indigenous   Peoples   in   terms   of   socio-political, economical, cultural, spiritual, religious and enviromental perspectives.
  3. Develop a common critical understanding on the realities faced by the Indigenous Peoples and to empower students and young people to advocate with/as Indigenous Peoples.
  4. Evaluate the present efforts, plan further actions and campaign characterized by social reforms for the indigenous peoples against institutionalized discrimination at all levels.
  5. Create awareness about the link between the Indigenous Peoples and the environment, especially their contribution and efforts at arresting global climate change.
  1. To enable participants to promote the principles of the United Nation’s Declaration on the   Rights   of   the   Indigenous   Peoples   (UNDRIP)   in   the   protection   of   Native Customary Rights (NCR).
  2. To help our youth understand the intimate relationship between the Indigenous Peoples and their land and territories, and the impact of unsustainable development, market oriented cash crop plantations and neo-liberal global capitalism.
  3. To arrive at a common critical understanding of the struggle faced by the Indigenous Peoples   in   Baram   and   how   “development”   contributed   to   their   poverty   and marginalization;
  4. Respond to the struggle of the indigenous community in Ulu Baram by developing advocacy tools and a strategy for joint solidarity to campaign against the dam.
  5. To build a movement of university students and young people who are committed and equipped to advocate against Baram Dam.
OUR CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS The proposed Baram Dam is a project that is going to be built in Ulu Baram which will directly affect twenty six Indigenous People’s villages. The dam is to be built in order to produce electricity for villagers at Ulu Baram. Unfortunately, the processes that have taken place over the past few years by the relevant authorities are highly questionable as they do not follow principles of democracy and human rights standards. There are twenty six villages that will be affected by the building of the Baram Dam*. Based on the observations in Long Liam, Long Apu and Long Anap, there are various economic sources of the communities such as self-sustenance, gathering of natural resources, receiving government subsidies, working as government servants and receiving financial contribution from   family   members   from   outside   the   village.   Most   communities   are   economically dependent on the land. The communities are also facing problems in developing their economic status because there is no basic infrastructure to commercialise their agricultural products. Besides that, their land and forest which are their main source of income are also threatened by the logging activities and the possible construction of the Baram Dam. The villagers have their traditional governing institution which will be affected by the dam. Traditionally, the decision making process was done through consensus with the whole members of the villagers. The role of the community leader is to facilitate the discussion among the community and once the decision has been made the community leader will endorse the decision as the communities’ decision. Currently, the current village governing institution is being indiscriminately manipulated by the government for their own political agenda   to   proceed   with   the   proposed   Baram   Dam   project.   However,   they   are   other institutions   such   as   Village   Security   and   Development committee,   Community   Based Organization (CBO) and religious leaders are to help the community to address various issues and problems, besides becoming the platform for the villagers to unite and voice out their opinions and positions. Moreover, with referral to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP);-
  1. The rights to the land of the Indigenous Peoples at Long Liam, Long Apu and Long Anap will be violated if the construction of the dam takes place. The articles in the UNDRIP can be used as guidelines to defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  2. The objections that have been made by the representative of the communities, SAVE Rivers, and other civil society organizations have been ignored by the state and local government (violation of Article 23 of UNDRIP).
  • In deciding the implementation of the Baram Dam the government has failed to fulfil   its   commitments   towards   the   UNDRIP   which   asserts   the   rights   of Indigenous Peoples to determine their own development or use of their lands and resources and that they should not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories without their own free, prior and informed consent (violation of Article 10 and 32).
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 1 states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 7 states that all are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Thus, the government should protect the rights of the Indigenous Peoples from exploitation by the commercialization of their lands, territories and resources. There will also be environmental degradation with the construction of the Baram Dam resulting in the forest and rivers being destroyed. We are strongly against the private companies who are involved in the dam construction for they are neglecting their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and actively violating the Native Customary Rights (NCR) land in the name of development. The same applies to the banks and financial institutions that are financing this project. SALT 5 Theology: Our Faith Reflections We believe that our spirituality demands that we fight for the Indigenous Peoples from oppression and suffering. We consciously advocate with/for the rights of the oppressed and the marginalized. This is our preferential option for the poor. Hence we must immediately stop the oppression towards the Indigenous Peoples spirituality. We believe that our spirituality helps in our journey for the marginalized as in Jeremiah 1: 6-7 says that “O Lord God,” I said, “I can’t do that! I’m far too young! I’m only a youth!” Don’t say that, “he replied, “For you will go wherever I send you and speak whatever I tell you to”. We also studied the relationships between God, us, the villagers and the people affected as well as the politicians and private companies involved. We prayed for wisdom and strength for us to carry on the fight, for motivation, perseverance and faith for the people involved so that with God they will be saved from the threat of the dam, and for humility for the politicians and the private companies so that they will drop the plans for the dam, and leave these people in peace. We also pray that the spirit of God will help the Indigenous Peoples fight injustice and be with them in their darkest times. We shall ensure that the Catholic Social Teachings and the radical life of Jesus are used to inspire all of us to join in this struggle. RECOMMENDATIONS TO VARIOUS ACTORS IN SOCIETY Through our experiences and learning, we demand the society: Baram Community
  • To encourage to all villagers to cooperate and achieve consensus to reject the dam;
  • To ensure equal participation between women and men in all decision making processes;
  • To collectively take ownership of preserving clean environment;
  • To ensure the culture is preserved, documented and practiced;
  • To encourage villagers to demand sufficient and prior information on the proposed Baram Dam, so that they can make an informed decision;
  • To encourage the youth to participate actively in the anti dam campaign especially at the blockade;
  • To encourage the working youth outside of Baram to return and contribute to the community in holistic ways;
  • To the community leaders that they should reject corruption at all levels and objectively represent community in all administrative matters;
  • To reject and report any illegal logging activities.
Campus Level (CSG, CUS, CSS, CVS)
  • To conduct open forums and panel discussions on social awareness about the issues faced by IPs using the various tools used in SALT 5, in order to generate critical thinking among the students;
  • To insert issues on the dam project into campus level activities, to facilitate solution
  • through formation;
  • To strengthen the bond between ordinary members and leaders to ensure a collective voice to fight against the dam project.
  • To form an advocacy group for Indigenous Peoples rights by indigenous students to be recognised by Catholic Bishop Conference of Malaysia Singapore Brunei Youth Commission (CBCMSBYC). Church
  • To guide the campus students in struggling for the rights of the Indigenous Peoples by providing solid formation on the Catholic Social Teachings. This includes supporting students financially, giving opinions, motivating and other supports possible in the advocacy against the dam;
  • The church leaders especially bishops, priests and religious to be the prophetic voice and role models against oppression in the Baram Dam issue.
The Sarawak Government
  • To stop the Baram Dam project immediately;
  • To respect and honour the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights under the Law which is enshrine   in   the   Federal   Constitution,   Sarawak   Land   Code   and   international instruments such as UNDRIP and UDHR, to uphold human dignity;
  • To use the principles of Free, Prior and Inform Consent (FPIC) in the decision making process in regards to development plans involving Indigenous Peoples’ rights;
  • To consider the relevant claims by the communities, SAVE Rivers and civil society organizations about the Baram Dam issue and thereafter protect the Indigenous Peoples’ rights;
  • To be transparent and “pro-citizens” especially towards the Indigenous Peoples as stated in the government’s 1Malaysia slogan “Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan” (People First, Performance Now).
Opposition Parties
  • To cooperate in voicing out the citizen’s complaints especially the villagers that are affected by the dam project so as to work together and support the people;
  • To campaign and spread the issues of Baram Dam and its effects on the environment;
  • To be the “checks and balance” in society and country especially under the current ruling party;
  • Do not repeat the same mistakes as the current ruling coalition is making with regards to development and human rights issues.
Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB)
  • To consider the consequences of the construction of Baram Dam that will affect the environment and ecosystem;
  • To respect the rights of the Indigenous Peoples in Baram and the state of Sarawak;
  • To conduct more research on alternative renewable energy sources and implement the alternatives replacing the proposed Baram Dam.
Mass Media (TV, Radio, Internet, Newspapers, Academic Magazine)
  • To provide the correct and concise information regarding Baram Dam.
  • To air the information regarding Baram Dam issues through TV, radio, internet, etc to make it widely known, and revealing the positive and negative effects, in order to make the issue known for public debate;
  • To spread information without being biased and to use accurate data in presenting the information;
  • To educate people on UNDRIP especially to the Indigenous Peoples on their rights;
  • To be alert and updated on any new information and developments regarding the proposed Baram Dam and to disseminate these new information;
  • To show more concern towards the Indigenous Peoples’ rights and not to take advantage of their struggles.
General Public
  • To encourage every Malaysian to get involved in the campaign to stop the Baram Dam because the impact of this project will affect all Malaysians;
  • To be aware of their rights and responsibilities to reject projects that   cause environmental degradation and violation of human rights.
  • Civil Society Organizations (CSO)
  • We strongly hope CSO will continue to support the struggles of the Indigenous Peoples and the marginalized to strengthen their organization’s mission especially at the KM 15 Baram Blockade.
  • To empower the indigenous students and youths with knowledge and skills related to Human Rights and Citizenship;
  • To continue the advocacy and network building to stop the Baram Dam;
  • To recruit and train students and youth into their organizations in order to increase the number of activists, particularly from the Indigenous Peoples community;
  • To produce more creative materials/media which will be used to deliver complex legal and human right documents to grass root community in simple forms and vernacular languages;
  • To be in solidarity with the marginalized community and facilitate the engagement between them and authorities.
  • To put pressure on the government of Malaysia to stop the Baram Dam since we have adopted the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP);
  • To send UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of the Indigenous Peoples to Sarawak to investigate all the human rights violations faced by the Indigenous Peoples;
  • To recommend on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples for the International Financial Institutions not to fund the Baram Dam project.
SALT V 2015 Declaration on the Indigenous Peoples in Malaysia Last but not least, we, the members of the School of Acting Justly, Loving Tenderly and Treading Humbly with God (SALT V) 2015, hereby declare to uphold the dignity and rights of the marginalized Indigenous Peoples through our actions of raising their issues and working with them at various levels. Since Malaysia has adopted the United Nations’ Declaration   on   the   Rights   of   the   Indigenous   Peoples   (UNDRIP)   and   the   Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we demand the government, specifically the state government of Sarawak to implement and honour the UNDRIP, Native Customary Rights (NCR) status and uphold principles of the UDHR in terms of the protection of Indigenous Peoples lands, cultures, customs and way of life. As human beings, they are to be treated fairly and justly. Hence, the Baram Dam project must be stop immediately.   APPENDIX Article 10 of UNDRIP Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return. Article 23 of UNDRIP Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for exercising their right to development. In particular, indigenous peoples have the right to be actively involved in developing and determining health, housing and other economic and social programmes affecting them and, as far as possible, to administer such programmes through their own institutions. Article 32 of UNDRIP
  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources.
  2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources.
  3. States shall provide effective mechanisms for just and fair redress for any such activities, and appropriate measures shall be taken to mitigate adverse environmental, economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact.

Lee Kuan Yew Baik atau Jahat? Tokoh Sejarah Bukan Hitam Putih

Gambar: The Online Gambar: The Online[/caption]

Lee Kuan Yew Idola Nusantara? 

Manusia malas berfikir. Ini hakikat. Katakanlah ada 1,000 masalah yang berhadapan dengan kita. Masyarakat akan lebih mempercayai orang yang mencadangkan satu penyelesaian ajaib untuk menyelesaikan 1,000 masalah, berbanding dengan orang yang mencadangkan 1,000 solusi untuk 1,000 masalah.

Kita mahu pilihan yang mudah dan hitam putih. Sama ada sesuatu benda itu baik atau jahat, tiada ruang untuk segala kompleksiti dan kawasan kelabu.

Begitu jugalah dengan tokoh sejarah. Kematian Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) mencetuskan pelbagai reaksi. Ada yang memuja dan “mendewakan” LKY. Mereka memuji segala tindakannya dan mengatakan betapa hebatnya pemimpin Singapura ini.

Antara luahan hati yang saya sering terbaca dalam portal berita dan media sosial: “Alangkah bagusnya kalau dia jadi pemimpin Malaysia”, “Jika Singapura tidak terpisah dari Malaysia….”, “Singapura bernasib baik mempunyai LKY, kita pula….”

Fenomena pengidolaan ini agak lucu terutamanya apabila datang daripada mereka yang melaungkan slogan kebebasan selama ini. Mereka memperjuangkan kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan beragama, kebebasan media, dan pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil di Malaysia, tetapi mengangkat LKY sebagai pemimpin tersohor.

Kebebasan Malaysia vs Singapura

Ketika Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menyaman Malaysiakini, golongan ini gah mempertahankan kebebasan media. Itu baru pertama kali Najib menyaman Malaysiakini dan jika tindakan ini dianggap menggertak media, ia hanya satu permainan kanak-kanak (“childsplay”) untuk LKY yang sudah berkali-kali menyaman media domestik dan antarabangsa.

LKY dan konconya pernah menggertak The New York Times (NYT) dan International Herald Tribune kerana menerbitkan sebuah artikel yang bertajuk “All in the Family”. Menurut Lee, artikel tersebut memberi gambaran yang tidak baik tentang keluarganya, seolah-olah anaknya tidak layak memegang jawatan penting dan hanya bergantung kepada talian keluarga. Bayangkan jika Najib berbuat begini ketika NYT menerbitkan makalah pasal hubungannya dengan Jho Low dan Rita Aziz.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja. Kalau dibandingkan dengan Tun Dr Mahathir, LKY lebih kuat mengamalkan pemerintahan kuku besi. Untuk 16 tahun yang pertama sejak kemerdekaan Singapura, tiada wakil pembangkang yang menang pilihan raya parlimen. Lim Chin Siong, rakan LKY yang bersama beliau mengasaskan PAP, dipenjarakan dua kali tanpa perbicaraan (1956-1959 dan 1963-1969). Penangkapan kali kedua berlaku selepas Lim Chin Siong memimpin sekelompok ahli PAP keluar parti dan menubuhkan Barisan Sosialis.

Pada ketika Barisan Sosialis semakin mendapat sokongan dari rakyat (dalam satu wawancara, Lim Chin Siong mengatakan jika pilihan raya diadakan pada hari itu juga, Barisan Sosialis akan mengalahkan PAP dengan mudah), lebih 100 pemimpin utama Barisan Sosialis, para aktivis, wartawan, kesatuan sekerja, dan mahasiswa universiti ditangkap dalam Operation Coldstore.

Operasi ini dilaksanakan tujuh bulan sebelum pilihan raya dan sekali gus melemahkan, malah melenyapkan, barisan pembangkang di Singapura. Salah seorang yang ditangkap, Said Zahari, adalah bekas pengarang Utusan Melayu dan ditahan tanpa perbicaraan selama 17 tahun! Dr Chia Thye Poh pula kemudiannya ditahan di bawah ISA selama 23 tahun. Bayangkan kalau Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim atau Jahabar Siddiq dipenjarakan begitu lama. Apa yang akan kita katakan?

Singapura, in effect, adalah negara satu parti (“one-party state”). Pada pilihan raya 2011, PAP menang 60.14% undi popular dan 93.10% kerusi di Parlimen. Jika anda menganggap UMNO-BN adalah kerajaan yang menggunakan gerimander, manipulasi, dan kawalan ketat untuk mengekalkan kuasa, PAP juga merupakan spesis yang sama.

Lee Kuan Yew Sebenarnya

Setakat ini, segala yang saya bincangkan seolah-olah mengutuk LKY. Benar, ada pihak yang melabel LKY sebagai seorang pembuli, sombong, eugenik, dan pelacur politik kerana tindakannya di atas. Saya tidak dapat menghakimi atau menjatuhkan hukuman kepada tokoh sejarah ini.

Ketika saya terlihat komen yang menyindir Astro Awani kerana menyiarkan upacara pengebumian LKY, saya merasakan terpanggil pula untuk mempertahankan LKY. Mengapa? Sebab kritikan mereka tidak tepat. Cemuhan mereka seperti “cauvinis Cina” dan “tidak berkaitan dengan/menyumbang kepada Malaysia” adalah komen orang yang buta sejarah.

Suka atau tidak, LKY adalah seorang tokoh yang banyak menentukan aliran sejarah. Dunia moden dan Asia Tenggara tidak akan sama jika tiada LKY. Kuku besi atau tidak, beliau membantu Singapura mendapatkan kemerdekaan dan memimpinnya dari zaman susah.

Ketika ditendang keluar oleh Malaysia, Singapura berseorangan menghadapi dunia yang mempunyai begitu banyak ketidaktentuan. Tiada ahli akademik dan penyelidik akan menafikan bahawa di bawah pimpinan LKY, Singapura berjaya menjadi sebuah negara maju, atau seperti yang diungkapkan LKY dalam bukunya, “from third world to first.”

Realiti Singapura

Mengikut laporan BBC dan United Nations, Singapura mempunyai salah satu kadar jenayah yang terendah di dunia. Mereka juga mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi dalam bidang pendidikan, kesihatan, dan kemudahan membuat bisnes.

Pada tahun 2014, Transparency International melaporkan bahawa Singapura adalah salah satu negara yang paling kurang rasuah (kedudukan ke-7 di dunia). Authoritarian atau tidak, LKY berjaya menyingkirkan elemen yang boleh menggugat keselamatan negara, termasuklah kongsi gelap dan pertubuhan haram yang berleluasa ketika itu.

Seperti Dr Mahathir yang mengusahakan PPSMI, LKY juga memperjuangkan sistem pendidikan berkualiti dan berdaya saing di peringkat antarabangsa. Singapura hanya mempunyai tujuh universiti, tetapi dua daripadanya sering tersenarai dalam ranking universiti terbaik di dunia. Beliau mewajibkan bahasa Inggeris menjadi bahasa pengantara sementara semua pelajar juga mesti belajar bahasa ibunda mereka.

Perubahan yang dilakukan LKY memerlukan keberanian yang masih tidak dilihat di Malaysia (atau mungkin Malaysia lebih sukar melakukan perubahan kerana terlalu ramai pihak berkepentingan).

Singapura adalah satu “negara-kota” dan sebenarnya, pencapaian Singapura tidak begitu luar biasa jika dibandingkan dengan Kuala Lumpur dan Jakarta. Namun, ia tetap satu perkembangan yang mengagumkan.


Saya secara peribadinya tidak berpendapat LKY melakukan semua itu untuk kepentingan dirinya. Saya melihat seorang tokoh yang sangat yakin (mungkin terlalu yakin) dengan dirinya untuk melakukan perubahan memperbaiki negaranya. Mungkin juga pada satu peringkat, beliau tidak dapat lagi membezakan antara kepentingan negara dengan kepentingan diri.

Kalau kamu bertanya sama ada LKY baik atau jahat, saya tidak dapat menjawab begitu sahaja. Manusia suka benda yang sangat jelas, dimana kebenaran adalah ketara dan tidak perlu dipersoalkan. Hakikatnya, semakin banyak yang kita ketahui, semakin banyak yang kita tidak dapat tentukan dengan jelas.

LKY tergolong dalam kumpulan tokoh sejarah seperti Dr Mahathir, Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Tun Abdul Razak, Dato Onn Jaafar, Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy, Devan Nair, Lim Ching Siong, J.B Jeyaretnam, David Marshall, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sukarno, Ibrahim Yaakob, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Sambanthan, dan malah, Chin Peng, Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin, Pak Sako, Anwar Ibrahim, dan ramai lagi.

Kita tidak mungkin dapat menghakimi mereka secara hitam putih. Apa yang mereka lakukan berlaku dalam konteks tertentu dan kebarangkalian jika kita berada di tempat mereka pada ketika itu, kita juga akan melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan. Apa yang pasti ialah mereka inilah yang melibatkan diri secara langsung dalam pembentukan sejarah negara. Saya mengakhiri tulisan ini dengan memetik kata-kata Theodore Roosevelt yang sering dihayati dan dekat dengan hati saya:

“Pengkritik tidak dikira; bukan yang menunjukkan betapa rebahnya manusia itu, atau di mana perbuatan amal itu boleh dilakukan dengan lebih baik. Pujian adalah milik mereka yang turun ke padang, yang mukanya dikotori habuk dan peluh dan darah; yang berusaha dengan berani; yang tersilap, yang kekurangan namun mencuba lagi, kerana tiada usaha yang tanpa kesilapan dan kelemahan; tetapi siapa yang benar-benar berusaha untuk melakukannya?; yang mengetahui semangat dan dedikasi hebat; yang menghabiskan dirinya pada jalan yang baik; yang di saat terbaiknya mengetahui kejayaan akhirnya, dan di saat terburuk, sekiranya gagal, sekurang-kurangnya gagal dengan begitu berani, supaya tempatnya tidak bersama mereka yang jiwanya beku dan malu, yang tidak tahu kemenangan atau kekalahan . “



Catatan Dari Jalanan – Kerjasama Membela Kaum Tertindas

Gambar: Fernando Fong, The Rakyat Post Gambar: Fernando Fong, The Rakyat Post[/caption] Di kelas jalanan Chow Kit kemudiannya, Nik mengkhabarkan padaku bahawa ada anak yang tidak mahu belajar. Aku tanyakan kembali kalau budak itu tak mahu belajar atau dia mahu belajar benda lain. Seperti biasa kami bersembang dengan kanak-kanak itu, cuba memujuknya tanpa memaksa. Sebagai manusia dia tidak boleh dipaksa, dan sebagai anak yang sangat kecil dan hidup dalam persekitaran dan budaya dimana dia harus menurut perintah, dia masih tidak mampu memikul autoriti membuat keputusan sendiri sebebasnya. Kami cuba bimbing, cuba cari minat dia. Bersembang-sembang dengan rakan-rakan gerakan lain yang datang memerhati dan berkongsi idea, aku meluahkan harapan kepada seorang kawan untuk mendapatkan tenaga orang-orang yang minat mengajar mereka kemahiran-kemahiran spesifik sesuai dengan minat mereka. Kita beri mereka pededahan, ajar mereka kemahiran itu, bimbing mereka menentukan arah tuju. Semasa aku di sekolah dulu, seperti kau, aku dipaksa belajar semua subjek oleh guru dan fokus pada kesemua subjek itu, akhirnya yang aku minat pun entah ke mana yang aku tak minat pun ke longkang. Aku risau kalau-kalau budak-budak ini pun tidak ada yang mahu melihat mana minat dan bakat sebenar mereka dan apa yang mereka mahu buat dalam hidup. [caption id="attachment_4601" align="aligncenter" width="380"]Gambar: Gambar:[/caption] Kita boleh katakan ibu bapa mereka memainkan peranan penting, tapi kita juga perlu faham ibu bapa mereka bukan beruntung seperti kita. Ini bukan dari kalangan ibu bapa yang mana ibu melayan muzik Mozart sewaktu mengandung anak dengan suami di sisi memegang tangannya sambil tersenyum, mampu memberi makanan dan nutrisi sihat kepada anak-anak, menghantar mereka ke nurseri kemudian ke sekolah, ulang-alik ke sekolah berdiskusi dengan guru tentang perkembangan anak-anak, menyediakan tusyen serta mengajar di rumah ketika musim cuti, menolong dengan kerja-kerja sekolah, manghantar mereka ke kelas piano, biola dan gimnastik atau kelas seni melukis. Itupun kalau semua yang dilakukan ini benar-benar untuk membentuk anak menjadi manusia baik yang bebas dan faham kebebasan orang lain. Terkadang tampaknya cuma seperti menyerahkan tanggungjawab kita sendiri pada institusi lain supaya anak itu ‘menjadi’. Menyerahkan duit kepada orang lain untuk menghasilkan anak cemerlang. Nah, ibu bapa yang ‘beruntung’ ini pun akhirnya cuma menunggu magis berlaku hasil dari pelaburannya sana sini. Kita juga tidak boleh memaksa pengalaman kita atau gagasan kita semata-mata ke atas mereka. Kita bukan mahu menjadikan mereka seperti kita. Mereka akan menjadi diri mereka, bebas memilih apa yang mereka mahu. Cuma perlu dibimbing cara-cara untuk mereka mendapat kebebasan itu, dan bagaimana untuk menikmatinya tanpa merampas kebebasan orang lain. Di Chow Kit tempat mereka belajar, kenderaan berasak-asak dalam kesesakan lalu lintas sampai ke tengah malam. Adakah kita mahu keluarkan mereka dari kemiskinan mereka dan masukkan mereka ke dalam kemiskinan yang satu lagi ini? Adakah kita mahu mereka jadi seperti kita yang tertipu dengan industri perniagaan pendidikan dan kemudian menjadi robot-robot pejabat dan syarikat-syarikat besar? Itu bukan kejayaan namanya. Ianya tidak membebaskan mereka. [caption id="attachment_4602" align="alignleft" width="140"]Gambar: NBC News Gambar: NBC News[/caption] Kita adalah produk pendidikan yang mengajar kita supaya terlibat dalam perlumbaan tikus (‘rat race’) ekonomi di mana kita diajar untuk memijak kepala satu sama lain untuk menjadi nombor satu dan perkara ini nampaknya akan berlanjutan ke anak cucu kita. Fokus cuma diberi kepada kebolehan individu tanpa mengambil kira kesannya terhadap struktur masyarakat. Kita menghasilkan kuda-kuda lumba yang laju tapi golongan terpinggir terus disisihkan, walhal kita ini orang-orang yang berpendidikan. Kita cuba wujudkan satu persekitaran di Chow Kit di mana anak-anak ini kenal erti kerjasama dan menghormati satu sama lain dalam proses mereka menjadi manusia yang baik. Bukan cuma menjadi apa yang ia mahu jadi tanpa menghiraukan persekitaran. Mereka boleh dibimbing berbincang dan membuat keputusan secara kolektif kerana hakikatnya mereka juga seperti kita, jiwa-jiwa yang bermasyarakat. Di situ kita sendiri akan belajar bagaimana kita pun menjadi seperti itu kerana kita sendiri perlu kesedaran ini. Kita dan mereka, saling belajar dari satu sama lain. Kolektif-kolektif, gerakan-gerakan yang melakukan khidmat masyarakat tidak perlu bersatu di bawah panji sama. Masing-masing mengendali kolektif masing-masing tetapi kita tidak dapat lari dari mempunyai kesefahaman, semangat setiakawan dan solidariti untuk satu sama lain. Ini bukan persaingan antara syarikat korporat, ini bukan permainan mengejar nama baik. Kita belajar dari satu sama lain, bergantung kepada satu sama lain sejurus menyedari bahawa ‘nasib’ kita ini di tangan kita sendiri yang mana semakin kuat kita bekerjasama semakin mudah kita mengharungi kesusahan. Kita tidak perlu ada pengurus-pengurus lantikan yang menguruskan kita dan membuat keputusan untuk kita tanpa bertanya pendapat kita. Kita tidak mahu jadi masyarakat yang pasif dan tidak terlibat dalam keputusan-keputusan yang membabitkan kita di mana demokrasi itu cuma perkataan yang sia-sia, yang diucapkan oleh orang-orang dari mimbar tinggi, orang-orang yang langsung tidak memahami kita atau mewakili kita. Nak tukar mentol pun upah si Parjo. unnamed
